What is SGMI?

          Sola Gratia Ministries India is a pastoral and leadership training ministry. It was founded with the aim of providing the teaching of sound biblical doctrine and ministerial training for church leaders and ministers. “Sola Gratia” (By Grace Alone) is the doctrine of salvation by which a person is pardoned (saved) from the debt of their sin by God’s grace alone. The sinner, adding no merit or works to his faith, is justified on account of the shed blood of Jesus Christ alone. His atoning death is the complete, sufficient payment for his or her sin. Grace is that unmerited favor coming from God Himself, including the gift of belief! All who are justified will give evidence of their justified state by good works and a holy life.

  Vision Statement

 SGMI is a multinational force for the development of Church leadership to exalt and proclaim the Excellencies of our Lord Jesus. Our target is to reach India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar (Burma). “And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent.” (Rom 1`0:14b, 15a)

 Mission Statement of

         Grace Community Church

         The main goal of our mission is to equip leaders for local Churches, which is a biblical mandate, not an option. To do this, we seek to lovingly serve one another and the world around us in need of grace. The Church’s spiritual vitality and effectiveness in ministry is incomplete without faithful and gifted men who preach and teach the word. :  “And things you have heard……entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also ”(2 Tim 2:2). The church is under Christ’s mandate to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). The New Testament indicates that the primary means by which the Church carries out this mandate is by Biblical preaching. This requires the raising up, preparing, and sending of men. At SGMI, we believe the truth must be proclaim and men are always have been God’s method. 

       Grace Institute and Ministry

 SGMI is dedicated to training men of God in personal holiness, biblical theology, and expository preaching in the context of the local Church. This commitment requires that the world is preached in season and out f season. SGMI is committed to providing training that serves as an inexpensive alternative to the theological training offered in the West. Most Indian students and laymen cannot afford to study, and some students who pursue such training outside the country seldom return home. SGMI is designed to bring biblical and ministerial training right where people are. Our aim is to help men of Character and vision, men who exposit the Word of God with the focused purpose of building up the church and spreading the gospel around the world.

      The Strategy

 SGMI brings pastors and teachers from abroad to equip its students to be better teachers and preachers of God’s Word. It is in a working relationship with the Cornerstone Seminary in California, U.S. It is committed to deepening spirituality and sharpening teaching skills in the student by helping provide:

  • Solid teaching on the fundamental doctrines of the Bible
  • Biblical principles and priorities of ministry and leadership
  • Deep commitment to serve the local Church
  • Ability to communicate scripture based on solid contextual and historical exegesis
  • To centre training around the great doctrines of Scripture including those commonly known as the doctrines of grace
  • To inculcate men with the importance of their call to lovingly shepherd God’s people

         Able expositors of God’s Word in the pulpits of India are scarce. Therefore calling and putting men under training to gain sound theological doctrine for Church leadership is our main priority. To equip men with a confidence in the absolute authority and sufficiency of God’s Word is our goal. The purpose of expository preaching is to promote biblical literacy, establish the undiminished divine authority of God’s Word in the Church, and to equip people to do the work of service. The overall result is transformed congregations that impact the world for Christ’s glory.

      Equipping and Evangelism

 The challenges of Christian ministry are unique and consuming. Church leaders are expected to provide spiritual motivation, theological insight, evangelistic vision, and forward-looking leadership. They need personal encouragement and intellectual stimulation. Therefore, SGMI will partner with local Churches to provide such resources for evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training. It will be an ongoing ministry for the benefit of all who desire to serve the Christian gospel through the agency of the Church of Jesus Christ.

       About SGMI

SGMI in an Educational Trust registered under the Government Trust Act of New Delhi. The management is a board of trustees who are Christian leaders from different walks of life. SGMI is an academic and cultural-friendly ministry. We invite you to be part of SGMI for the advancement of Christ’s Church in India and beyond. Your partnership with us can contribute further to effective leadership development for the church in India and neighboring countries. Your help is greatly needed as we strive to honor the Lord. As William Carey, a missionary to India stated, “Expect great thing from God, attempt great things for God.”

      Objectives of Ministry

  • The student will receive theological training.
  • The student will know how to study, exegete, and preach the word.
  • The student will be exposed to practical ministry principles.

Needs and Opportunities

  • Prayer and financial support
  • Short term teams-teaching / ministry / evangelism
  • Scholarship for students
  • Current facility needs